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Bouteilles en bioplastique

Ces bouteilles sont faites en PLA, un bioplastique à base d'acides polylactiques d'amidon de maïs. Elles conviennent pour des liquides froids, parfaites pour des jus frais. Pour ces bouteilles, nous proposons séparemment des bouchons Bio-PE, un bioplastique très épais, fait à base de canne à sucre.

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These bioplastic bottles are made from PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) which is a special compostable bioplastic. PLA is made of the lactic acids found in corn starch. The cap is made from Bio-PE which is a 100% natural product made from sugarcane, but this material is not compostable. Since the bottles are made out of PLA they are only suitable for cold liquids till 40 degrees. Even though the bottles are made from PLA which is a compostable material, the bottles are quite thick which makes them less suitable for composting since they will not compost in the required time of 9-12 weeks. The focus of the advantage of the use of PLA should be on the fact that they are 100% plant based and are therefor perfect to use for detox and fresh juices.

Currently we have 2 sizes, 250 ml and 500 ml but we will have more sizes in the near future. The 250 ml is the perfect size for single serving. The 500 ml is the right size for a XL juice or smoothie which you can enjoy all day. 

All bottles come with a Bio-PE berry cap already twisted on lightly. This way the inside of the bottle stays clean and once the bottle is filled, you can twist and turn the berry cap so that the seal is secured. 

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